What You Should and Shouldn’t Do after Breast Augmentation Surgery

By: Dr. Angelo Cuzalina

The experienced team at Tulsa Surgical Arts has a thorough, consistent process for providing our breast augmentation patients with all of the aftercare instructions and tips they need. Below, we look at a few Dos and Don’ts related to the procedure, but know that we make sure you have documented instructions to bring home with you.

  • DO wear your compression bra according to our instructions. This bra helps your breast implants settle in place and ensures everything heals nicely.
  • DO check with Cuzalina before you start wearing regular bras again (usually possible after 6 weeks).
  • DO eat well after surgery to help your body heal. We provide a list of foods to eat and foods to avoid.
  • DO practice sun protection. Sun damage causes wrinkled, aged and rough skin, including the skin on your breasts. Once you hit the pool or the lake in a bikini to show off your results, remember to apply sunscreen liberally.
  • DO let yourself get excited about your new shape! Once you’ve fully healed, you’ll have many things to look forward to, like purchasing new bras, tops, dresses and swimsuits. You deserve to look and feel great.
  • DON’T consume alcohol for at least 48 hours after surgery.
  • DON’T overdo physical activity before you’re supposed to. We know it can be tempting to get back into your exercise routine, but avoiding intense exercise is essential to your recovery.
  • DON’T sleep on your stomach for several weeks, if at all possible. It puts a lot of pressure on the healing breasts.
  • DON’T get discouraged as your results take shape! At first, both saline and silicone breast implants sit high on the chest. It takes several months for them to gradually settle into place. The results will be worth the time you put in, and we are here to offer support and guidance throughout your recovery.


Get Answers to Your Questions


At Tulsa Surgical Arts, Dr. Cuzalina and our team make sure you are armed with complete information before you go home to recover. If you have any questions about breast augmentation or would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Cuzalina in Tulsa, OK, please call our staff at 918-779-1861.



* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.