Can a Chemical Peel Help with Skin Discoloration?

By: Dr. Angelo Cuzalina


  A   A Many individuals seek effective solutions for skin concerns at Bella Roma Med Spa and Tulsa Surgical Arts in Tulsa, OK. Where your treatment can be with several of our very experienced cosmetic surgeons, Injectors, and aestheticians.  One of the popular treatments offered is the chemical peel. This procedure can potentially address various skin issues, including skin discoloration and skin textural improvements. What exactly is a chemical peel, and how can it help with skin discoloration?

What is a chemical peel?

A chemical peel is a dermatological procedure designed to improve the appearance of the skin. It involves the application of a chemical solution to the skin, which causes it to exfoliate and eventually peel off. The new skin that emerges is often smoother and less wrinkled. There are different types of chemical peels, ranging from mild to strong.

How does a chemical peel address skin discoloration?

Skin discoloration, such as hyperpigmentation, can be a source of concern for many. A chemical peel, including the VI Peel, targets this issue effectively by:

  • Removing the top layer of skin: This process helps to remove the layer containing the pigment buildup.
  • Promoting skin cell renewal: By accelerating the turnover of skin cells, a chemical peel helps bring new, less pigmented cells to the surface

What are the benefits of a chemical peel for your skin?

Opting for a chemical peel offers several benefits, including:

  • Reduction in hyperpigmentation: This includes sun spots, age spots, and melasma.
  • Improved skin texture and tone: Results in smoother, more uniform skin.
  • Collagen stimulation: Chemical peels can stimulate collagen production, improving the skin’s elasticity.

How can you maintain the results of a chemical peel?

After receiving a chemical peel, maintaining the results is crucial to ensure long-lasting benefits. How can you keep your skin looking its best after the treatment? Here are some essential tips: 

  • Sun protection: Always use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30. This protects the new, more sensitive skin from sun damage and helps prevent the recurrence of hyperpigmentation.
  • Bleaching creams: A variety of prescription creams exist can help diminish dark spots and improve results from peels.  Most are easy to apply yourself twice a day.  Other medications exist that are in pill form for resistant cases of hyperpigmentation.
  • Gentle skin care: Use mild, non-irritating skin care products as your skin heals. Avoid any harsh scrubs or products with strong acids almost immediately after the peel.
  • Hydration: Keep your skin well-hydrated. Using a good moisturizer helps maintain the skin's barrier and promotes healing.
  • Avoid picking or peeling: Allow your skin to naturally shed the old layer. Picking at peeling skin can lead to scarring or infection.
  • Regular skin care routine: Incorporate a skincare routine that includes products designed to maintain even skin tone and texture. Products containing ingredients like vitamin C, retinol, and hyaluronic acid can be beneficial.
  • Follow-up treatments: Depending on your individual needs, we may recommend follow-up treatments to enhance and prolong the effects of the chemical peel.

By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the rejuvenating effects of your chemical peel for a longer period. Remember, the key to lasting results is a combination of professional treatment and diligent at-home care. Our team is available to assist you if you have any concerns or questions about your post-treatment care.

Rediscover the beauty of a clear, even complexion

Are you ready to say goodbye to skin discoloration and embrace a more radiant complexion? If so, Dr. Angelo Cuzalina and the team at Tulsa Surgical Arts in Tulsa, OK, are committed to helping you achieve your skin-care goals. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and begin your journey toward virtually flawless skin.  A great first step is to book a consultation with one of our aestheticians for a full computerized skin evaluation that can help specifically problems and direct the ideal treatment plan.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.