What Does a Body Lift Surgery Involve?

By: Dr. Angelo Cuzalina


Are you tired of dealing with excess or saggy skin that makes you self-conscious? If so, a body lift might be the solution you've been searching for. Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Angelo Cuzalina at Tulsa Surgical Arts in Tulsa, OK, specializes in body contouring procedures, including the body lift. Let's dive into what this transformative procedure involves and how it can help you achieve a tighter tummy and a more sculpted figure.


What is a body lift?

A body lift is a comprehensive surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from multiple body areas, resulting in a more toned and contoured appearance. It is often sought by individuals who have experienced significant weight loss or have loose, saggy skin due to aging or pregnancy. When performed at Tulsa Surgical Arts, the procedure can target areas such as the abdomen and buttocks, providing a transformative result.  It can also be known as a '360' lift or a 'belt lipectomy'.  Some surgeons consider a thigh lift part of the body lift but most consider a body lift to simply be a combination of a tummy tuck and butt lift performed simultaneously.  The classic body lift incision extends all the way around your waist at hip bone level in front and across the low back (360 degrees around).


Tummy tuck: A flatter, tighter tummy

One of the critical components of a body lift is the tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty. This procedure targets the abdominal area, removing excess skin and fat while tightening the underlying muscles. Dr. Cuzalina can skillfully contour the midsection, resulting in a flatter, firmer, and more toned tummy. Whether you have loose skin due to weight loss or pregnancy, a tummy tuck can restore a youthful and defined abdominal profile.


Liposuction: Enhancing body contours

Liposuction is often employed further to improve the body's contours during a body lift. Liposuction can involve the removal of stubborn fat deposits from specific areas, such as the abdomen and thighs. By selectively removing fat cells, liposuction can help sculpt and reshape the body, creating a more proportionate appearance.


Fat transfer (Brazilian butt lift) or Formal butt lift: Achieving curvaceous proportions

To enhance your body's curves and proportions, fat transfer and Brazilian butt lift (BBL) techniques can be utilized during a body lift. Fat transfer involves removing excess fat from one body area through liposuction and transferring it to another place lacking volume. In the case of a body lift, the transferred fat can be used to augment and shape the buttocks, providing a fuller and more lifted appearance.  A 'formal' or skin excision butt lift involves an incision across the low back for patients with extreme skin laxity but offers true skin lifting of the buttock and upper, outer thigh region.


Reach your dream figure with a body lift in Tulsa, OK

If you're ready to say goodbye to excess skin and hello to a more confident you, it's time to consider a body lift at Tulsa Surgical Arts, led by Dr. Angelo Cuzalina. With a combination of procedures such as tummy tuck, liposuction, fat transfer, and Brazilian butt lift, Dr. Cuzalina can help you achieve your desired body contours. Don't wait any longer to transform your appearance and boost your self-esteem. Schedule a consultation today to learn more about how a body lift can benefit you.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.